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Press Release
NCBE Announces Members of NextGen Family Law Content Scope Panel
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) has announced the formation of the Family Law Content Scope Panel, which will develop the content outline specifying the breadth and depth of family law material that will be tested on the NextGen bar exam beginning in July 2028. The panel held its inaugural meeting last week.
Press Release
2024 NCBE Research Award Recipients Announced
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) has announced the 2024 recipients of two awards that provide funding for research related to testing and measurement, with a particular focus on research related to high-stakes licensure testing such as the bar exam.
Press Release
New Mexico to Administer NextGen Bar Exam in July 2027
The New Mexico Supreme Court has announced that it will administer the NextGen bar exam, joining twelve other jurisdictions that have announced their intent to adopt the new exam. New Mexico will first administer the NextGen exam in July 2027.
Press Release
Guam Adopts NextGen Bar Exam, First Administration July 2026
Guam has announced that it plans to administer the NextGen bar exam beginning in July 2026. It joins 11 other jurisdictions that have announced their intent to adopt the new exam, which is set to launch in July 2026.
Press Release
Utah Announces Plan to Adopt NextGen Bar Exam in July 2028
Utah has announced that it plans to administer the NextGen bar exam beginning in July 2028. It joins ten other jurisdictions that have announced their intent to adopt the new exam, which is set to launch in July 2026. Three jurisdictions plan to begin administering the NextGen exam in July 2026, six jurisdictions will first administer the exam in July 2027, and one jurisdiction has not yet announced the date of its first administration.
Press Release
Vermont Will Administer NextGen Bar Exam in July 2027
Vermont is the tenth jurisdiction to announce that it will administer the NextGen bar exam, joining nine other jurisdictions that have announced their intent to adopt the new exam. Vermont will first administer the NextGen exam in July 2027.
Press Release
National Conference of Bar Examiners Selects AccessLex Institute to Assist in Study Aid Development for NextGen Bar Exam
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) and AccessLex Institute announced today that the two organizations will collaborate in study aid development for the NextGen bar exam, set to launch in July 2026.
Press Release
Professor Jon J. Lee Appointed Distinguished Scholar in Residence at NCBE
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) announced today that Professor Jon J. Lee has been appointed Distinguished Scholar in Residence at NCBE. Professor Lee will contribute his expertise to a wide variety of initiatives at NCBE, including the development of the NextGen bar exam, drawing on his many years of experience as a legal educator and scholar. Professor Lee was a member of the Content Scope Committee that developed the NextGen test content specifications, and he currently serves as a member of the Item Set Drafting Committee and Tasks and Rubrics Advisory Committee for the new exam.
Press Release
Nebraska Announces Plan to Adopt NextGen Bar Exam in July 2027
Nebraska is among the first jurisdictions to announce that it will administer the NextGen bar exam, joining eight other jurisdictions that have announced their intent to adopt the new exam. Nebraska will first administer the NextGen exam in July 2027.
Press Release
NCBE Releases National Mean for November 2023 MPRE
The national mean scaled score for the November 2023 MPRE was 98.0, 0.8 points higher than the November 2022 mean of 97.2. The November 2023 mean reflects the performance of 21,275 examinees, 1,691 more than the November 2022 examinee count of 19,584.
Press Release
Kentucky Announces Plan to Adopt NextGen Bar Exam in July 2027
Kentucky is among the first jurisdictions to announce that it will administer the NextGen bar exam, which will replace the exam currently used to license attorneys across the US. The Bluegrass State will join seven other jurisdictions that have announced their intent to adopt the new exam: Arizona, Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, and Wyoming. Kentucky will first administer the NextGen exam in July 2027.
Press Release
NCBE and CLEO Extend Partnership to Improve Equity and Access in the Legal Profession
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) and the Council on Legal Education Opportunity, Inc. (CLEO) have announced that the two organizations are extending their partnership for an additional three years.
Press Release
Arizona Announces Plan to Adopt NextGen Bar Exam in July 2027
Arizona is among the first jurisdictions to announce that it will administer the NextGen bar exam, which will replace the exam currently used to license attorneys across the US. The Grand Canyon State will join six other jurisdictions that have announced their intent to adopt the new exam: Connecticut, Iowa, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, and Wyoming. Arizona will first administer the NextGen exam in July 2027.
Press Release
Iowa Announces Plan to Adopt NextGen Bar Exam
Iowa is among the first jurisdictions to announce that it will administer the NextGen bar exam, which will replace the exam currently used to license attorneys across the US. Iowa will join five other jurisdictions that recently announced their intent to adopt the new exam: Connecticut, Maryland, Missouri, Oregon, and Wyoming. Iowa will first administer the NextGen exam in July 2027.
July 2023 MEEs and MPTs Available in NCBE Study Aids Store
Candidates preparing for the bar exam can now purchase MEEs with analyses and MPTs with point sheets from the July 2023 exam in the NCBE Study Aids Store. Each purchase comes with one year of access to the materials.
Press Release
First Jurisdictions Announce Plans to Adopt NextGen Bar Exam
Five jurisdictions are the first to announce that they intend to administer a new bar exam, which will replace the licensure test currently given to aspiring attorneys across the US. Bar admission agencies in Maryland, Missouri, and Oregon intend to first administer the NextGen bar exam in July 2026. Wyoming intends to first administer the exam in July 2027. Connecticut has not yet finalized its first administration date.
Press Release
NCBE Announces Update to NextGen Exam Content, Extends Availability of Current Bar Exam
The National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE) announced today two important changes to plans for the NextGen bar exam, which is currently under development and will launch in July 2026.
Press Release
Hon. Mary R. Russell Elected to the Board of Trustees of the National Conference of Bar Examiners
Hon. Mary R. Russell has been elected to the Board of Trustees of the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE). NCBE develops the licensing tests used by most states for admission to the bar.
Press Release
John McAlary Elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of the National Conference of Bar Examiners
John McAlary has been elected Chair of the Board of Trustees of the National Conference of Bar Examiners (NCBE). NCBE develops the licensing tests used by most states for admission to the bar.
Press Release
NCBE Releases National Mean for August 2023 MPRE
The national mean scaled score for the August 2023 MPRE was 96.9, 0.9 points higher than the August 2022 mean of 96.0. The August 2023 mean reflects the performance of 19,005 examinees, 786 more than the August 2022 examinee count of 18,219.