How To Apply For Test Accommodations

Period of Eligibility

Accommodations are approved with a period of eligibility. For example, requests for accommodations based on unchanging conditions may be approved for a period of eligibility of up to 24 months. The expiration date will depend upon the nature of your impairment(s) and will be listed on your Accommodations Confirmation. 

Once you have been approved for accommodations, you do not need to reapply again within your eligibility period. If you wish to take the MPRE again within your period of eligibility (i.e., your accommodations will not expire on or before your intended test day), you may proceed directly to your NCBE Account, complete registration for the next examination, and schedule an appointment with Pearson VUE. Please keep in mind that Pearson VUE may need time to arrange for your accommodations. Please refer to Important Dates for more information.

If you were approved for accommodations with a period of eligibility that has NOT expired, you may request an extension of the previously approved accommodations. For information on how to apply for an extension, see MPRE Test Accommodations Extensions. If your Accommodations Confirmation does not list an expiration date for each approved accommodation, or is no longer posted to your NCBE Account File Cabinet, please contact MPRE Test Accommodation Services at