Character & Fitness
Background investigations are a part of the admission process for all jurisdictions. NCBE conducts investigations and hosts applications for many jurisdictions, but not all jurisdictions use both or either of these NCBE services.

Demonstration of character and fitness, sometimes referred to as moral character, is among the essential elements required for bar admission. NCBE provides services related to character and fitness but makes no determinations nor recommendations regarding who is eligible or ineligible to practice law. Jurisdictions make this determination.
Jurisdiction Processes Vary
Requirements, deadlines, and processing times vary among jurisdictions. Application processes are determined solely by the jurisdiction to which you are applying. Contact your jurisdiction for specific application instructions and deadlines. Not all jurisdictions use NCBE's investigation services.
Get Started
Use the tool below to find your jurisdiction’s character and fitness information.
After choosing your jurisdiction, contact information and a link to your jurisdiction’s admission office will display.
Helpful Resources
Use Only as a General Guide
This information should be used only as a general guide. Contact the jurisdiction to which you are applying to verify application instructions and deadlines.