Technical Advisory Panel
NCBE’s Technical Advisory Panel of measurement experts provides technical and psychometric guidance to NCBE’s research staff.

Technical Advisory Panel Members
Gregory J. Cizek, Ph.D., is Guy B. Phillips Distinguished Professor of Educational Measurement and Evaluation in the School of Education at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. His background in the field of educational assessment includes five years as a manager of licensure and certification testing programs for ACT and 27 years of teaching experience at the college level. He is the author of over 300 books, chapters, articles, conference papers, and reports. He is considered an authority on setting performance standards and test security issues. Dr. Cizek works with several states, organizations, and the U.S. Department of Education on technical and policy issues related to large-scale standards-based testing programs.
Deborah Harris, Ph.D., is a Visiting Professor in Educational Measurement and Statistics at The University of Iowa. She is also incoming editor of the NCME journal Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice. Previously, Dr. Harris was Vice President of Psychometric Research at ACT, where she was responsible for providing psychometric leadership, offering consultation and support for assessment programs, and ensuring the effective delivery and communication of measurement and reporting services to internal and external customers. Dr. Harris has over 30 years of experience in high-stakes, large-scale assessment, including licensure and certification testing, state testing, and online testing. She has presented and published extensively, particularly in the area of comparability of test scores.
Carol Morrison, Ph.D., has more than 25 years of experience overseeing scoring, equating, standard setting and other psychometric analyses for licensing, certification, in-training and self-assessment examinations, as well as providing supervision and mentoring for psychometricians. Dr. Morrison is an active member of several professional organizations, including the American Educational Research Association (AERA) and National Council on Measurement in Education (NCME).
Mark Raymond, Ph.D., has worked for and advised certification boards, licensing agencies, and professional associations for the past 35 years. He conducts research and consults on matters ranging from test design (job analyses, test blueprints, item development, performance standards) to psychometric modeling (generalizability theory, scoring performance assessments). Mark has authored or coauthored more than 170 publications and presentations, including the Handbook of Test Development (2nd ed. 2016), and has served on editorial boards for scholarly journals in health care and testing.