Stop-the-clock breaks allow you to pause the exam timer during the exam. You will be able to choose the number and duration of breaks up to the maximum amount of time you have been approved for. For example, a candidate approved for 30 minutes of stop-the-clock break time may take one 30-minute break, two 15-minute breaks, three 10-minute breaks, or any other combination. However, if you do not return to the exam before the maximum break length is reached, the exam will resume, and the exam timer will start counting down.
MPRE Stop-The-Clock Breaks
Clicking Pause Exam during your exam will open the Pause Exam pop-up window as shown in the screenshot image. The pop-up message will show the maximum time given for pauses, time used for pauses, and time remaining for pauses. To pause your exam, click the Pause Exam button in the pop-up window. To continue your exam without using your break time, click the Cancel button.
You may pause the clock and sit quietly in your seat, or you may pause the clock and leave the testing room. In order to leave the room while the exam is paused, you must place the exam in paused mode and raise your hand. The test administrator will secure your computer and you will be required to follow standard check-out and check-in procedures. Upon returning to your seat, the test administrator will unlock the computer and the exam will begin once you take off paused mode.
While your clock is paused, you will see the following screenshot image showing the maximum time given for pauses and time used for pauses. Time paused beyond the maximum may be deducted from your exam time. When you are ready to resume your exam, click the Resume Exam button.