How To Prepare Your Request For MPRE Test Accommodations

Important. We encourage applicants to submit their request as far in advance of their desired MPRE test administration as possible, and no later than the Recommended Submission Date for that administration, in order to facilitate a timely notification of our decision. Accommodations must be approved BEFORE you register and schedule a test appointment at a Pearson VUE testing center; new or additional accommodations CANNOT be added to an existing test appointment. Please refer to Important Dates for MPRE Test Accommodations for more information.

Before preparing your MPRE accommodations request, you are encouraged to download and review the Guidelines for Medical Documentation.

You are also encouraged to review the Pearson VUE Comfort Aid List. Medical aids, medications, and devices included on this list do not require preapproval from NCBE and will be allowed into the testing room after visual inspection by testing center staff.

Requests for MPRE test accommodations should be submitted using the online MPRE test accommodations application in your NCBE Account. Requests, including forms and documentation, received by NCBE after the registration deadline for a specific administration of the MPRE will not be considered for that administration of the exam.

  • To submit your request, log in to your NCBE Account, and follow the instructions provided.
  • All supporting materials should be uploaded as part of your online request. Please note that only .pdf, .jpg, .tif, and .png files may be uploaded; other file types, such as .doc and .txt, will not be accepted and must be converted before uploading. The maximum file size is 10mb each.
  • To ensure that you submit a complete request for accommodations, include the following four components.

Four Components of a Complete Request

If you have questions about how to submit your request, you may contact us by email at

After you submit your request, a Request Summary will be available in the MPRE Test Accommodations section of your NCBE Account. It will also be posted to your NCBE Account File Cabinet. The Request Summary will show your administration preferences, requested accommodations, and responses, and will list the names and sizes of all included files. Please retain this document for your records. If you do not receive a Request Summary within one business day, please contact NCBE to confirm that your request was received.

NCBE does not return documentation. You should keep a copy of everything you submit because you will not be able to view your uploaded documents after you submit your request. For this reason, we encourage you to use descriptive names that reflect the file content.