Test Format
The MPRE is administered on computers provided by Pearson VUE at its testing centers. The MPRE consists of 60 multiple-choice questions: 50 scored questions and 10 unscored pretest questions. The pretest questions are indistinguishable from those that are scored, so you should answer all questions. Each MPRE question is followed by four possible answers. You should choose the best answer from the four stated alternatives. Scores are based on the number of questions answered correctly. Points are not subtracted for incorrect answers. You will have two hours to answer all questions. The test session will terminate automatically at the end of the two-hour period.
We encourage you to learn more about the computer-based testing experience; a tutorial is available on the Pearson VUE website.
Subject Matter
The MPRE is based on the law governing the conduct and discipline of lawyers and judges, including the disciplinary rules of professional conduct currently articulated in the American Bar Association (ABA) Model Rules of Professional Conduct, the ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct, and controlling constitutional decisions and generally accepted principles established in leading federal and state cases and in procedural and evidentiary rules. Amendments to the ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct or the ABA Model Code of Judicial Conduct will be reflected in the examination no earlier than one year after the approval of the amendments by the American Bar Association. Until that time, the examination may include questions that test on the rules before amendment.
Questions outside the disciplinary context are designed to measure an understanding of the generally accepted rules, principles, and common law regulating the legal profession in the United States and apply the majority view of cases, statutes, or regulations on the subject. To the extent that questions of professional responsibility arise in the context of procedural or evidentiary issues, such as the availability of litigation sanctions or the scope of the attorney-client evidentiary privilege, the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure and the Federal Rules of Evidence will apply, unless otherwise stated. As a general rule, particular local statutes or rules of court will not be tested on the MPRE; however, a specific question may include the text of a local statute or rule that must be considered when answering that question.